Astrud Gilberto RIP!

Ja, hende pigen fra Ipanema hvis ikke-skolede stemme og sommerbrise-lette sangforedrag åbnede døren for den vestlige verden til brasiliansk popmusik. Astrud Gilberto døde forleden i Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, 83 år gammel.

En tanke om “Astrud Gilberto RIP!”

  1. RIP, indeed. Her en interessant omend trist beretning om hendes karriere:
    “ João Gilberto received $23,000 for his work on the album. Getz got the lion’s share of money for the album, estimated by some to be nearly a million dollars. Getz earned so much from its success that he immediately bought a 23-room “Gone With the Wind-style mansion” in Irvington, New York.
    As for poor Astrud Gilberto, she was paid a relative pittance for turning millions of people on to jazz and the rhythms of Brazil. The woman “responsible for the record’s international success” (in Castro’s words) earned only what the American musicians’ syndicate paid for a night of session work: $120.“
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